The youth combat schedule for Pennsic 50 is now available at Check that page regularly during the event for the latest updates and any weather-related cancellations.

The youth combat schedule for Pennsic 50 is now available at Check that page regularly during the event for the latest updates and any weather-related cancellations.
Thanks to everyone who came out and made youth combat at Mudthaw a success despite the cold weather. We had six fighters, including a mix of newcomers and experienced Div IIIs, and I was impressed with the way the more-senior kids dialed things back to avoid overwhelming the first-timers. Thanks to Karrah and Janette for helping to run the list, and to Judith and her team for providing snacks and support throughout.
Thanks to Dimitrios Alexandrou for helping to get the message out about youth combat at Hundred Minutes War in Sparta NJ on November 19th!
Pennsic has been repeatedly delayed due to the pandemic, but after three long years of waiting, it’s finally back on!
If you (or your children) are interested in participating in youth combat at Pennsic, visit the Pennsic YC mini-site for the schedule and on-site updates.
The East Kingdom’s handbook of youth combat rules is clear and succinct, but it relies on marshals picking up a bunch of additional context during their training.
By contrast, the YC Marshal’s Handbook from Æthelmearc is quite a bit longer, and includes valuable guidelines for youth training, combat techniques, and tournament structures.
Much of that additional material is relevant to youth combat marshals from any kingdom.
My thanks to Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope for her work in assembling this resource.
We headed over to the Shire of Rusted Woodlands last week for what is generally the last outdoor fighting of the youth combat season, at the Hundred Minutes War.
We had a small turnout, with fighters of very different ages and experience levels, but they did a great job of cooperating to make the matchups work.